Yes! I offer a self satisfied smile and keep the internal shudder to myself. Yes, I am on Twitter. I even send the occasional tweet (at least once a week), check my twitter feed (at least once a week) and retweet (on the odd occasion). But I still don’t think I’m doing right.
I want to understand why.
I’m still not ready to scream Twitter’s praises. Don’t get me wrong, I can see how Twitter is useful. It offers endless opportunities for sharing – Twitter connects vast numbers of people in an instant and provides continually updated material. However, this instantaneous connection and continued monitoring is where I’m lost. It seems in order to really ‘get’ Twitter, you need to be there, finger poised (one ear listening, one eye watching). With attention thus divided, you are ready to record, comment or search whatever is happening in your real world experience.
How does one find the time?
Of course it can be fun and mentally stimulating to engage in a 140 character exchange that bounces among # with direct @. Of course Twitter is a great repository for ideas – resources are discovered, checked and shared within minutes (which is why it’s sensational for teachers).
So, why am I finding it so difficult to chirp with the flock?
Perhaps my reflective nature gets in the way. I like to ponder an idea – let it wander along minds’s paths before sharing it with myself, let alone others. The thought of tweeting while listening to a conference speaker (or over dinner) just seems too sudden. While I may gnash my teeth at an ignorant TV commentator, I’m not sure telling my followers would serve a purpose.
Wherein lays the tweeting turmoil.
What is the purpose, what is the Big Picture? I like to know, that I know, why I am doing something. I believe purpose is important.
So, why use Twitter?
It is a fantastic vehicle for sharing resources. It offers a space to share blog posts and updates. Twitter has helped me extended my PLN and I feel a kinship to an amazing group of innovative teachers who have generously share their expertise. But I want more. My picture is still 2D and I crave a 4D experience. I know I could be doing more.
How does one find the time?
Welcome to a World of Expression
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