Examinations by their very definition are designed to test what you know.
Remember this; they are designed to test what you know; and that is all they are designed to do.
In other words an examination is a diagnostic tool. They are simply a way of gauging what had most relevance to you, and, if you want to know more, they can advise you what to devote more attention to.
They are not, nor will they ever be, a measure of worth.
Your worth is eternal and infinite, and thus, immeasurable.
An unfortunate side effect of testing and examinations is adult (particularly parent) expectations or competiveness. People who deem tests as a measure of worth are often locked in a vicious competitive circle that, if ‘examined’ closely, probably reflects their internal fears more than anything else.
So, as you approach your examinations, approach them ‘facing forward’ with your gaze on what you are going to achieve. This is an opportunity!!!
A few study tips
- Clear your mind of ‘internal chatter’ through meditation or ‘moments of silence and focused breathing’.
- Get into the desired ‘state’ by listening to relaxing or motivational music.
- Record yourself reading your study notes.
- Record yourself reading positive affirmations.
- Record yourself reading your study goals. These should be attainable, stated in the positive, and as though you have achieved them e.g. I have learnt how to _____
- Go for a walk and listen back to what you have recorded.
Feel free, feel inspired, feel confident in YOU.
Hi Nicole and Danny,
I love this post! It helps students see on a conscious level that they aren’t ‘the system’, instead, they are infinite expressions of the Divine working ‘with’ the system to grow and develop their mental muscle. And it’s ok not to get every answer right because no one is perfect.
Kind Regards,
Bradley Dunn.
(Member of The Unified Tribe)
Hi Bradley,
Thank you for your comments and you are so right, I just wish I had found this out while I was still at school.